Gluten Free
Lactose Free
Soy Free
Sugar Free
Yeast Free
Dye Free
GMO Free

Formulated with Clinically Proven Ingredients

Every ingredient found in Accentrate® products have been carefully selected and formulated based off scientific research and sourced to have minimal impact on the environment. We provide a nutritional approach to support focus and emotional well-being.

Trusted by Experts

We let our practitioner testimonials speak for themselves.

I just wanted to share some preliminary feedback from my clients who have been doing the new Omegas. They indicate less brain fog, especially in the morning, better memory and a noticeable decrease in anxiety. For me, I have a lot less fatigue in afternoon, especially after eating anything.

Board Certified Clinical Psychologist

Marietta, GA

I am a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist in private practice. I often recommend your products to patients and have been ordering them for my own kids for years.

Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Chevy Chase, MD

I use Accentrate solo, but more often as an adjunctive therapy. Great for those who are just diagnosed, who won't accept medication initially, or when I take my patients off of medication for holidays.

MD, Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Los Angeles, CA

The teachers said this
patient was such a good kid, they loved him, except during his bewitching hour. This is where Accentrate was a perfect addition to the stimulant.

MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Wellington, FL

I am a physician and I see many patients with ADHD in my practice. I have been giving my 9 yr old daughter Accentrate for about 2 months, and the difference in her is notable.

Medical Doctor

Oakton, VA

Appetite, weight, and sleep changes are sometimes troublesome side effects related to certain medications. This product is a good go-to for me if I have a patient struggling to balance the side effects.

MD, Neurodevelopmental Disorders

I recommend Accentrate on a daily basis.



Our Story, Our Promise

When founder Brett Bartel's first-grade son needed help with focus and emotional regulation, Brett's search for drug-free support led him to an overwhelming ecosystem of underwhelming options. It was difficult to navigate, even for a molecular biologist like him. And he was sure that other concerned parents and caregivers felt similar frustrations. So he created Accentrate®, a unique combination of high-quality lipids and vitamins to support attention, memory, and calm.