The Fastest Way to Get Omega-3s to Your Brain—And Why Your Mental Health Depends on It

The Fastest Way to Get Omega-3s to Your Brain—And Why Your Mental Health Depends on It

Omega-3s play a critical role in brain health, but their effectiveness depends on the form. LYSOVETA® LPC, developed by Aker BioMarine and now available in Accentrate® Omega products, provides this highly absorbable form.
Fenix Health Science in the News: Personalized Nutrition for Brain Health

Fenix Health Science in the News: Personalized Nutrition for Brain Health

Fenix Health Science is making headlines with our latest personalized supplement line, designed to support cognitive health at every stage of life. Our new Omega products feature cutting-edge LYSOVETA® LPC, delivering up to 297% more...
Accentrate Omega Collection with LYSOVETA

LYSOVETA®: The Next Generation of Omega-3s

As science continues to uncover the importance of omega-3s in mental health, the Accentrate® Omega collection with LYSOVETA® stands out as the future of efficient omega-3 supplementation.
Discover the Power of Accentrate® Omega with Lysoveta®

Discover the Power of Accentrate® Omega with Lysoveta®

This December, our three new Accentrate® Omega products will introduce a cutting-edge form of omega-3, called LYSOVETA® LPC, that can help you feel results sooner and enjoy lasting benefits.
Omegas, Neuros, & Minerals, Oh My!

Omegas, Neuros, & Minerals, Oh My!

Introducing a new, more personalized Accentrate® product line to support brain health with targeted nutrients.
The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Brain Health

The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Brain Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain health, and deficiencies can lead to neurological and cognitive conditions like Alzheimer's1, Parkinson's, schizophrenia2, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and depression. Studies have found these conditions are more common in...
Omega-3s: The Brain's Best Friend

Omega-3s: The Brain's Best Friend

Let’s explore how nutrients affect our focus and emotions! Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, are our brains’ best friend and the most studied for brain health. These essential fatty acids are vital for...
Supplements for Mental Health

Which Supplements Support Mental Health?

As Julia Rucklidge says in her TED Talk, “Nutrition matters. And if we’re really ready to get serious about mental health, we need to get serious about the critical role played by nutrition.” Individual nutrients...
Accentrate® Gummy is Now Available!

Accentrate® Gummy is Now Available!

The long-awaited Accentrate® Gummy has arrived! Since the launch of Accentrate® in 2017, parents have been asking for a gummy option for kids that struggle with swallowing pills. This gummy has been in the works...